Remote Bonkro village crept into the international spotlight as the area is home to a number of nesting sites of the enigmatic yellow-headed picathartes (rockfowl). As such, international birders come to explore the 'Picathartes Forest' community reserve every year. Your visit contributes directly to the conservation fund, which ensures protection of these extraordinary birds and their habitat from illegal hunters and loggers. Our exemplary agents in Ghana sponsor more than 20 community forest committee members to support these conservation activities. Other projects include the construction of a school, reception centre and tourist accommodation, with all proceeds going to the community fund. The hard work has paid off in that there has been a dramatic reduction in tree felling and the Picathartes' population has flourished. Picathartes Forest is also regarded as the best site in Ghana in which to seek both the endangered and elusive black-bellied and white-bellied pangolins. Thanks to an excellent relationship with resident communities, searches for these mammals - of which one can, of course, never guarantee sightings - stand a better chance of success. During forest walks, local villages accompany tourists as guides and trackers, participation which enables for more people to be trained and which facilitates earning of a sustainable livelihood from the forest, thereby reducing incentives for extracting of resources. Accommodation is in the form of a simple but perfectly adequate lodge, also built by our Ghanaian agents. Needless to say, the bird and butterfly lists from Picathartes Forest are simply mind-blowing.

Jack Brooker

Travel Specialist

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